Terrazzo tile has long been a popular choice for people who want to add a dose of natural texture to their homes. Evoking the image of cobblestone streets, terrazzo tile uses pebbles and stones dispersed throughout a monochromatic background to create a signature look that can only be described as unique. Though cheaper versions of this tile have become unfortunately ubiquitous in the US, dedicated terrazzo tile suppliers, like Riad Tile, are helping keep the tradition of high quality and authenticity alive in the tiling world.

What Riad Tile’s Blush Terrazzo Brings to the Table

As we go through these posts, we’re probably going to spend most of our time focusing on how the terrazzo tile interacts with the choices the designer made in the rest of the room. Terrazzo is conceptually very simple, but when used in the right context, it delivers a complexity to a given space, imparting a sense of natural texture that just can’t be beat. Take this kitchen reno for example:
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Though the dog perfectly matches the color scheme, we unfortunately can’t take that into account as we examine this kitchen. Fortunately, this kitchen doesn’t need any help from precious puppies to look absolutely astounding. Tiles like terrazzo, which have a healthy emphasis on the organic, thrive in simpler settings where their natural patterns and texture can take center stage. This space, with its broad, smooth cabinets and simple countertops, is the perfect example. The large cabinets’ lack of fixtures and smooth wood grain texture creates a setting in which the pebbly texture of terrazzo tile takes off. The plain white countertops fulfill a similar role. Though the countertops and cabinets are quite smooth in texture, their respective bright white and ruddy brown color creates a contrast that is perfectly drawn together by our Blush terrazzo tile, seen here in 12x12. The rosy pebbles present in the blush terrazzo are the perfect match for the reddish stain on the cabinets, and the clean white background provides an excellent match for the countertops. This tile is perfectly positioned to bring this space together. We’re quite impressed with this designer’s eye for color, and their taste in natural texture!

Our Blush terrazzo tile has been debuting in a lot of homes recently, being used in a diverse array of settings. Some, like the above kitchen use terrazzo to draw the elements of the room together, while others, like this bathroom, make terrazzo the focus in and of itself:

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This shower, which also uses 12x12 Blush Terrazzo tile, puts tile in the spotlight, designing the bathroom to allow this classic tile to take center stage. Considering how terrazzo makes up both the shower and the floor in this space, we wouldn’t exactly call this space one of the subtler applications of terrazzo we’ve seen. Instead, this designer opts to utilize the natural beauty and variation present with our Blush terrazzo tile to build a vibrant, pebbly bathroom that exudes color literally from the ground up. As a very texture-driven variety of tile, a lot of people may be hesitant to use Blush terrazzo for larger applications, as too much texture can overwhelm the rest of the space. This designer proves that terrazzo isn’t simply viable for larger applications, it’s an ideal choice. This space allows the unique textures present in each individual tile to be the main focus of this space, which the designer breaks up just slightly using white grouting. 

At Riad we pride ourselves on our role as handcrafted terrazzo tile suppliers, so we’re always excited to see this classic variety of tile making new appearances in bathrooms, kitchens, and more. In the above bathroom, we saw how our Blush terrazzo can be used very prominently as the primary tiling of the whole bathroom. But the question remains: can large applications of terrazzo be used without feeling like it takes over and defines the whole space? This bathroom may answer that question:

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This gorgeous bathroom features a bold application of our Blush terrazzo for the entire bathroom floor with a lovely little accenting shower nook, but as eye-catching as the terrazzo is in this bathroom, it doesn’t dominate the room. This designer clearly wanted the terrazzo to drive most of the room’s look, but managed to keep it from feeling too one-note using the bright white wall tiles, dark brass fixtures, and tan linen closet door. Even with all the color and texture provided by the terrazzo, this designer manages to balance the boldness with just a few understated design elements, proving that even when it’s the primary source of color, terrazzo doesn’t have to overwhelm the space.

Similar to the last bathroom, this designer offsets our Blush terrazzo tile with tasteful matching and contrasting using white tiling, even taking the concept a step further:

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Rather than placing the terrazzo at the forefront, this designer balances the bathroom a bit more with uses of marble. Though conceptually, this bathroom is quite similar to the previous one (terrazzo floor and shower nook to match), the smaller floor space and use of our sleek marble tile creates a diverse and interesting space that merges two organic varieties of tile perfectly. This designer flawlessly integrates three of our tiles, 4x12 Casablanca Carrara marble subway tile on the walls, 2” Hex Mosaic marble tile also in our signature Casablanca Carrara, and Blush terrazzo, into a single brilliant idea that makes this bathroom as unique as it is beautiful. We adore the visual of the natural streaks of grey in the marble alongside the ruddy pebbles of the terrazzo. Such a brilliant combination!

Shop All of Our Terrazzo

If you liked what you saw above, please feel free to take a look at the rest of our terrazzo offerings. We can ship samples of all of our tiles directly to your front door. We offer Black, White, Terra, and of course, Blush in our popular 12x12 format. Order a sample today!