Styles and trends can be as frustrating as they are interesting. Some years, home décor trends may lean more toward simplicity while others might show an affinity to ornate designs...

Moroccan Tile: Elegant and Functional Décor

Styles and trends can be as frustrating as they are interesting. Some years, home décor trends may lean more toward simplicity while others might show an affinity to ornate designs. Keeping up with trends can seem next to impossible simply because of how drastically they may change from year to year, and there are only a handful of décor items that have proven capable of standing the test of time.

At Riad, the idea that some interior design decisions are truly timeless is something that we experience firsthand on a day-to-day basis. Our Moroccan tile’s design is rooted in centuries of craftsmanship, with shockingly little changing in both the composition and production methods over hundreds of years. But what makes Moroccan tile so timeless? And why do we find ourselves constantly returning to these beautiful designs.

Intricacy and Timelessness

Moroccan tile is more than just a useful and aesthetic material for showers, kitchens, and patios; it’s an art form that acts both as a centerpiece and a way to accentuate your personal decor. Our Moroccan tiles are carefully constructed one-by-one by our skilled artisans to ensure both quality and consistency. Though our Moroccan tiles come together to create a gorgeous pattern, each tile is imbued with its own character from being carefully handcrafted.

As Moroccan tiles age, they don’t fade or wear down. Moroccan tiles’ cement build and natural pigmentation both mature with time, so as they age, the tiles continue to harden become more durable while the colors only become deeper and richer. Wherever Moroccan tiles are applied, you can expect that they’ll serve their purpose.

Creating Moroccan Tiles

The beauty of the real Moroccan tile making process is that it’s almost exactly the same all over the world. Whether the tiles are created by the dedicated craftsmen in our shop or by generations-old family business in North Africa, you can be sure that you’re seeing the benefits of hundreds of years of trial and error.

Like the tiles built in Morocco, our Moroccan tiles are made of extremely fine Portland cement, which is carefully layered in a hand-operated tile press. The natural pigments are then added to the mixture, giving the tiles their rich color and texture. The components are then pressed together, using a stencil that shapes the tile to match the others. Once pressed, the tiles are left to cure and harden for several weeks before hitting shelves.

Classic Tiles for Different Styles

Moroccan tiles truly are a timeless style choice perfect for many different applications. They’re durable enough for high wear-and-tear areas with a subtle but deep coloration that can make many unique rooms pop. Moroccan tile has been used in many different capacities for hundreds of years, and it’s even thrived through all the rapid trend shifts that have occurred in the last 70 years.

At Riad we’re incredibly proud of our tiles and the people who make them. Contact us today and we’ll send you a sample of our Moroccan tile!